Is the warmer weather here to stay?
The 20th is the date of the last average freeze in my area. An average, of course, means it could still freeze. Gardeners tend to be gamblers, and will try to plant things out anyhow, and keep the row covers handy.
Tulips are coming up, cherry trees are flowering, and the dandelions are popping up everywhere. The color yellow is so welcome. I stopped to take a photo of one yesterday. A guy who was passing by must have thought I was a little off my rocker, stooping to take a picture of a dandelion. Later in the season, they definitely wear out their welcome. But right now, if you look closely enough, they are actually pretty.
The juncos are not as numerous in my yard. I'm seeing more robins and blackbirds.
And the morning's cup is spilling over with birdsong. It must be spring.