Thursday, May 14, 2015

More rain

It has been raining for what seems like weeks. The sun is beginning to come back out, but the prediction for tomorrow is more rain and storms.

The grass is happy. The perennial flowers in our yard are happy. The trees are also happy. But I have cabin fever!

I found an owl pellet on the patio the other day. Inside, I could see fur and a tiny bone.

Baby squirrels are running around the yard, irritating my dog, who doesn't understand why I don't just let her round them up. The last time I (accidentally) let her out while they were too far away from a tree, she was bitten on the nose, and it resulted in a call to the vet. Sorry, pup, no, though I realize that you have cabin fever, too!

There are lots of robins, grackles, finches and sparrows. Wildflowers flowering include violets, mock strawberry, and dandelions. The dayflower is not yet large enough. When the rain lets up, I'm headed out to look for more.

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