Saturday, June 21, 2014


Last night's storm was spectacular.

I've lived in areas that experience severe weather. Tornadoes, hail storms, and hurricanes are not pleasant to deal with. I remember one tornado in particular that skipped over our home, and touched down a few blocks over, while we crouched in a tiny closet. It made the freight train sound that you always hear people mention when they are interviewed afterward.

But I do like to see a powerful thunderstorm from the safety of my house. Last night, there was so much lightning that I could walk around without turning on a single light. The flashes played out through the windows over the ceiling and walls. I had a forestry professor in college who impressed on us the importance of lightning safety, so I know to stay away from the windows. I didn't need to get close.

I can't remember the last time I saw that much lightning. There was a tremendous amount of energy in that storm.

This morning, all is quiet. I found a nest on my porch, which had fallen from one of the trees in the high wind. I don't think it was in use, anyway. I have seen the baby robins following the parents closely over the past week.

Nebraska thunderstorms... very impressive.


  1. I LOVE thunderstorms as well!!! We do not have many up here in MI, but we even had a few spectacular thunder claps that shook the house the other day. Can’t wait to read more of your nature posts!

  2. Thanks, Diana! I was reading that these nighttime storms may be due to the timing of storms coming out of the Rockies, and moving across the plains at night. It's interesting that you don't get many in MI.
